What Is Project GET SAFE?
We've built our business philosophy around the belief that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The problem is that traditional funding streams focus on helping those who have already been victimized and dismiss the power of avoiding victimization from the start.
With your help, our nonprofit arm, Project GET SAFE Foundation, can provide violence prevention programs for people and agencies in need.

Why We Need You
Of course we want to offer free and low-cost training to anyone who needs it. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could?
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work like that. We're can only offer free and low-cost trainings if our operating expenses are covered. It takes money to keep our doors open.
Where the Money Goes
Like most businesses, we don't have extra cash laying around. We charge enough to pay our instructors, pay our administrative staff, and pay our bills. And that doesn't leave a whole lot extra to put toward free and low-cost trainings.
Your donations help subsidize those free and low-cost trainings, so we can responsibly dedicate resources toward helping others.

Who Benefits
Survivors of violence and crime are the #1 subsidy recipient - money shouldn't stop someone from getting their life back.
But it's not just survivors. Nonprofits, schools, and community groups can submit an application describing their safety challenges and financial need for a subsidized training.
Project GET SAFE Foundation is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation.